A Slightly Different Morning Workout…..

….With Some Great Music from Terra Guitarra and Joseph L. Young The Morning Workout So every non-Target working I try to do a workout that includes a tuning in warm up (Long Ek Ong Kar) followed by a 7:30 minute Kundalini and regular exercise set that includes Lower spine flex twists side bends shoulder shrugs head rolls alternating knee to chest alternating leg raises double leg lifts with a 5 lb exercise ball arm lifts – on back legs at 90 to floor and extend up arms with the 5 lb ball (lifting head also) bicycle pick me up (butt…

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New Morning Exercises & Hank Crawford’s Bday!

Ed K (Renaissance Granddad) – Day 23823 (Dec 21, 2016)   Woo! Hoo! Today is the Winter Solstice!! That of course means, today is either the shortest day of the year or the longest night! I prefer to look at it as the shortest day and from here until the Summer Solstice the days keep getting longer!! I used to hate it when it was dark when I went to work in the morning and again when I came home in the evening. For years i ran at 5:30 after work. I always hated it when daylight savings time ended and…

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