Pantommind’s Progressive Metal Fuels a Good Run

  The Run So this morning I woke up feeling kinda stiff, but I guess that is what you should expect as one approaches 64. I knew that a run was on “my schedule” but so was yoga. I decided that I was going to do my Monday morning routine of Kundalini mixed with some weights and band exercises. As I did those exercises, I started to feel better and better, so thought well just maybe I COULD run!! I also thought it would be pretty bad to extol the virtues of scheduling and then skip a run the second day…

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Life’s Soundtrack – A Decent Run made better by Bulgaria’s Pantommind!

After coming home from food shopping at Trader Joe’s this afternoon, I came within an eyelash of talking myself out of going for a run! I’ve done that successfully for most of April, between long days and knees that really didn’t feel 100%. But I told myself no, you are going to run. I thought maybe if I go to Runner’s World and create a new route then at least it’s different and then I really can’t compare it to familiar runs! So that’s what I did and overall the run was pretty good the first mile was under 10…

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