2014 Blues from Walter Trout – The Blues Came Callin’ – with Ex-Boss John Mayall!!

On Tuesday of this week the new album, The Blues Came Callin’ from Walter Trout was released, and it has been in my rotation since then, like all of Walter’s work it is amazing! The most amazing thing is that he recorded the album, while he was waiting for a liver transplant! He was doing exactly what the opening track of the album says he was “Wasting Away”, during the later part of his illness, Walter lost over 100 pounds! When I  went  to his website, and looked at his picture, my first response was that is not Walter!! But it…

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Blues – Running and Falling with Walter Trout – Blues for the Modern Daze

So yesterday afternoon we had a thundershower, but by the time I wanted to run the sun was out and the temperature had dropped appreciably. Oh, I should preface this by saying that the morning starting with my wife telling me that son two, Andrew was at Underwood Hospital in terrible pain! By mid-morining we knew that he was ok. It was a gallbladder attack and will require a one day surgery, but at this point the date is unknown! Anyway by 5:15 or so everything was calm so I went for a run, and everything was fine during the…

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Walter Trout – Common Ground (Do we share a Common Ancestor??)

  “If there’s a place where the truth can still be found, Lord, lead us to the common ground.” so sings one of my favorite blues artist Walter Trout on the title track of his new album Common Ground. Common Ground is Trout’s 20th album and only a few are in my collection, but those that are get listened to a lot! From his website Trout says this about the song “I am blown away by the polarization and cruelty in the world today,” Trout explains. “It goes beyond my understanding. I wrote the lyrics to that song as an…

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A Night of Blues leads to a baker’s dozen playlist with Marc Benno, Sonny Terry and Walter Trout

So last night I was browsing through a list of new folk releases on Dirty Linen Magazine and one title jumped out  Crawlin’ – by Marc Benno and the Nightcrawlers featuring Stevie Ray Vaughan. Well, some of you oldsters may remember a duo called Asylum Choir, who put out a couple of albums in the 70’s. The duo was Marc Benno and Leon Russell. I haven’t listened to that album in forever, but will listen tonight  and report back. Anyway, I went to emusic.com ( a site I dearly love) and found the Marc Benno album and downloaded five tracks…

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